“Perhaps the most important thing we can undertake toward the reduction of fear is to make it easier for people to accept themselves, to like themselves.”

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

3 intersections for "Into The Wild"

Privilege is one of the intersections from this book. McCandless is privileged by having wealthy parents who can afford to pay for a University or buy him a new car. Not everyone has the luxury to go straight to a University right after high school. Many people have to can't afford it would have to go to a junior college for a couple years and then go to a four year college like the one McCandless went to or a car for that matter. He was already perfectly content with the car he already had and didn't want to give that up. In the "Breadgivers", she didn't have privilege, she had to rebel and go against everything in her life to get a college education. Sara had to work while going through school and had her transportation was her feet. The Laramie Project, Shepard had money to attend the Univerisity, he was also a man just like McCandless and white men. Sara on the other hand was a foreigner woman who had to experience all the hardships.

"Indeed Chris had only recently upbraided Walt and Billie for expressing their desire to buy him a new cars a graduation present and offering to pay for law school of there wasn't enough money left in his college fund to cover it (20)." 

Independence is a crucial trait that also intersects. Unfortunately, two out of the three books end in death but during their lives, they lived it to the fullest. One who claims independence needs to be strong willed for there are many obstacles that come along with it. Once the independence is there, it is the greatest victory one can have. People strive to have this all through the world and many of them will never know what it feels like to have it. The best way to describe it would be customized freedom for an individual, everyone's is different because of their lives. McCandless was independent because he didn't want to be brainwashed by society, he wanted to be his own, wanted to start from the ground up. Sara was independent in many ways, she disobeyed her culture and men, including her father. Shepard claimed his independence by telling everyone he met he was gay.

"He intended to invent an utterly new life for himself, one in which he would be free to wallow in unfiltered experience (23)."

Passion in life to follow one's dreams is the most acquirable of all. It gives life life. Although the two people who died living their passion, no matter the situation, they can reflect upon their life and not have too much regret because they lived the life they wanted. It may have not been what others would appreciate or understand but that doesn't matter. On'es passion might unknowingly lead to death but in the end, one would probably say it was worth it.

"Unlike most of us, he was the sort of person who insisted on living out his beliefs (67)."

Chris McCandless

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