I consider myself to be a “seeker” student here at Chabot.
When I first registered here, I knew what I wanted to do when I took my first
ASL class. When I registered, I thought there was a sign language program for
me to get an AA in but later found the Ohlone has the program that I am looking
for. So I was sad to know I had to transfer and “start all over” in another
school right when I was getting comfortable here. Since I wasn’t ready to leave
right away, I looked for classes here until I no longer can take one due to my
program, so G.E. classes it is until the fall. I didn’t really know what
classes to take in the beginning but had an idea from that pink AA paper that
was given during orientation. I met with a counselor in the spring semester to
make sure my classes were transferable or if there could be another route for
me to stay here but there wasn’t. I’ve been procrastinating to meet with a counselor
at Ohlone and know I have to A.S.A.P. or I’ll get screwed with everything
during the transfer. All the instructors I’ve had were great and helpful so it
made me surprised when I found out the transfer rate here is low. As far as the
way I feel about being a seeker student, I am happy with where I’m at. This is
only my third semester and I feel like I’ve made a lot of progress from the
beginning. I am working towards being a “laser” student because as the latino
girl at the end says, “I’m focused, focused on what I want. I’m scared to fail.
I don’t like wasting my time so that’s why I always like do my best and try to
spend my time in like a good way.” And that is EXACTLY how I feel. I feel too
old to be taking my time getting a degree. And in order for me to get it is to
transfer after fall semester. I am more focused than ever and this would not be
me if I attended school at the “normal” age. I would’ve for sure been a
wonderer and drop out the first semester.
I'm very happy that you are focus and determined to get your degree now. Just to let you know, there's no age for degrees or education. Time don't choose when and where and whom they give these degrees and education. These things dont pick an age. Just go for it. In the end, I know you will be successful!!! :D